Fox 13's Coverage of the NCM Foundation

Friday, December 2, 2011

Nurture The Creative Mind Celebrates Our 5th Birthday With Wonderful Supporters

(Photo Cred: Bryan Smith)

It's amazing what five years of handwork, unfailing belief, and one amazing cause can do. We were able to celebrate with all of our supporters, friends and family. A special thanks to Mitch and The Wine Cellar for all their handwork in hosting our birthday party, as well as the talented band Shaky Trade who performed. We are eternally grateful for all the work and contribution of our NCM supporters and family.

It was quite emotional and awe inspiring when everyone in The Wine Cellar lit their Vintage Cupcake with birthday candles. The flames seemed to represent the light that turns on in a child when we are able to foster and encourage their creativity. Without our supporters and friends, the impact just wouldn't be possible. Nurture The Creative Mind has had the opportunity to help over 3,500 students in our short five years. Thanks to you, we will be able to take the message to more children and teens.

(Cake made by Ms. Jayme Cash)

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